Monthly Archives: February 2017

Near Death Experience (NDE) Narrative

I have no memory prior to the events that led up to my NDE. My husband, John, is a retired United States Marine who served 23 years active duty, now retired and disabled since January 2015.
I don’t remember wanting to overdose or even feeling depressed just prior to my overdose on September 29, 2015. I […]

By |February 12th, 2017|Inspiring Stories|3 Comments

Journaling as Mindfulness Practice: An Alternative to Meditation

Wisdomfeed is a mindfulness and wellness news site and content hub, dedicated to providing you thought-provoking and life-expanding media. This was written by Shannon Cantrell.

Two months after I had my first child I was hit with post-partum depression hard. It happened all at once and consumed my life for another two months after. I knew the […]

By |February 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|3 Comments