Inspiring Stories

My Awakening

Gooday and Welcome to My World

I was born in 1952 and experienced physical and mental abuse as a child. By the age of twelve, I was also sexually abused by a neighbour. By age fourteen, I was wagging school and out of control. By age sixteen, I was homeless, living on the streets and in […]

By |February 17th, 2024|Inspiring Stories|0 Comments

Story of Bullying to Mindfulness

My story begins as far back as I can remember around the age of 5. I had always felt kind of different from other people and I was always made fun of because of it. I remember I was always teased for being skinny and wearing second hand clothing when I was in school.  My […]

By |August 4th, 2018|Inspiring Stories|2 Comments

True Mindfulness is Radical Acceptance

Dear Mindful Friends,

At the age of 6 my mother committed suicide. Since that time, I have always put any emotion or thought aside, not allowing there to be. That worked great until me and my wife lost our first-born child at 37 weeks pregnancy. I snapped, I felt emotions, I realized I had thoughts, I was diagnosed with OCD, the pure form, […]

By |June 12th, 2018|Inspiring Stories|2 Comments

Near Death Experience (NDE) Narrative

I have no memory prior to the events that led up to my NDE. My husband, John, is a retired United States Marine who served 23 years active duty, now retired and disabled since January 2015.
I don’t remember wanting to overdose or even feeling depressed just prior to my overdose on September 29, 2015. I […]

By |February 12th, 2017|Inspiring Stories|3 Comments

From Addiction to Writing a Kids Meditation Story

I too have a passion for mindfulness and meditation.  My path started early because my mum is a yoga teacher and my dad was trying various meditations when I was a child. I was introduced to those techniques at a young age.

However, life happened and I went off track. I started drinking as a teenager […]

By |December 13th, 2015|Inspiring Stories|0 Comments

“My limbs are like palm trees

Swaying in the breeze

My body’s an oasis

To drink from as you please

I’m not seeing what I’m meant to believe in

Your non excuse for human being

“The image is no images

It’s not what it seems”

Soixsie and the Banshees, Mirage, 1978.


It was 1978 and the punk scene was exploding and my first ever […]

By |October 10th, 2015|Inspiring Stories|0 Comments

An Artists Pursuit to Wellbeing – An Unexpected Journey

The year of 2014 was where my journey to mindfulness and wellbeing began. I look back on the past year and I don’t know where the time has gone. So much happened! For starters, if you had have told me that I was going to be in hospital 7 times, 3 of those times having […]

By |May 7th, 2015|Inspiring Stories|0 Comments

From Darkness to Light

I was introduced to mindfulness following a “nervous breakdown” years ago in a six week DBT course that was recommended for aftercare upon discharge from the hospital. Mindfulness has honestly saved my life and I could not be more grateful.

That was not my first breakdown. In fact I have been hospitalized multiple times and diagnosed […]

By |April 12th, 2015|Inspiring Stories|1 Comment